Where can you travel to?

Where can you travel to?
For many of us International travel is the highlight of our year, and something that has been greatly missed during the pandemic. Now, with the easing of restrictions, International travel is back on the cards. However, Brits are severely limited on where they can travel at this point, particularly if they want to avoid quarantine on return.
Here is where we stand in May 2021.
England has developed a traffic light system, classifying countries as green, amber, or red with different rules for each category. The current guidance is that we should avoid travelling to red and amber countries. However, we can travel to those on the green list without needing to quarantine on return. The list is reviewed every three weeks, and countries may change categories at short notice.
So what countries are on the green list?
So far, there are only a small number of countries on the green list.
These include: