September 04, 2023
Top tips to extend your summer tan

Top tips to extend your summer tan

When our post-holiday blues begin to kick in the one thing that cheers us up a little is knowing that we've returned to grey, rainy Britain with a beautiful golden tan. If you want to hold onto that bronze glow for as long as possible, be sure to follow these steps to remain bronzed through autumn.
1. You can't moisturise enough! Apply it every day after being in the sun, at least once, to avoid peeling and prolong your tan, and continue applying a couple of times a day once you get home. No amount of moisturiser is too much so don't be shy.
2. Go easy on hot baths and showers and always use a hydrating body wash. Hot water can have a dehydrating effect on your skin so slightly cooler showers are better.
3. Exfoliate but very gently. The best thing for your tan is to exfoliate right before your holiday then gently top up after, as dead skin can cause your tan to look faded and dull. However using harsh exfoliates, hair removal cream or waxing removes the entire top layer of skin and therefore your tan so be careful.
4. Stay hydrated and eat healthily. Drinking plenty of water is essential for healthy, radiant skin, as is eating a healthy balanced diet providing you with all necessary vitamins. Try to eat more foods rich in beta-carotene such as papaya, sweet potato, carrot and mango.
5. If your tan still fades sooner than you hoped, or if you didn't manage to tan as much as you wanted to, Bliss are always on hand with our top of the range sunbeds. Courses can be purchased online or in branch and redeemed at Bliss.
6. There's always the option to fake it with Bliss' sexy contouring spray tans - choose your shade and let our therapists work their magic. Why not combine your spray tan with some other treatments in one of our packages for a glam makeover?
All sunbed courses and spray tans can be purchased online here.
Bliss 0113 275 2675