December 29, 2021
New years Resolutions for 2022

New years Resolutions for 2022
It's safe to say that many of us are excited to put the stress of the last two years behind us and look forward towards a new (and hopefully better) year. Now is the time to consider what New Years resolutions you might make for 2022.
Here are some of our favourite ideas.

1. Build a budget that includes saving money. Those of us who didn't have savings when covid hit may have felt the punch and realised that putting away money for a rainy day is a wonderful idea.
2. Start volunteering. For many people the pandemic has led to us realising everything that we have to be grateful for. Maybe 2022 is the time to give something back.
3. Start doing yoga. The benefits of yoga are endless, and include physical, mental and emotional benefits. Here are some easy poses to get you started:
4. Make more time for yourself. Taking time out for yourself is SO important to lower the stress levels and keep yourself from getting overwhelmed. Even allocating one hour per week for you time can help immensely. Send the kids to a friends house and run yourself a bath with some scented candles and a big glass of wine, or walk down to the park and just chill out.
5. Have a tech-free night every week. Pick one evening per week when the phones, TVs and laptops are switched off and indulge in more simple pleasures, such as playing a board game as a family.
6. Take up a new hobby. As the world reopens, it's the perfect time to try something new!
7. Set time aside each week to catch up with your loved ones, since the last two years have taught us to appreciate them more than ever. So pick up the phone or write a handwritten letter or postcard.
8. Make a note every time that you achieve something. Write them on small pieces of paper and keep them in a jar, even if it's only little things. At the end of the week, month, or year, you can look back on all that you have achieved.
9. Take a break from alcohol, smoking, or whatever you might use to self-medicate. If you are using these things to help cope with real issues then 2022 might be the year to see a therapist and take control of your mental health.
10. Practice recovery breathing. Set aside 10 minutes per day for recovery breathing to keep your cortisol levels at bay. Breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth with a steady count. A longer out breath helps to dispel excess co2, which also helps to reduce excess cortisol.
11. Focus on being present when spending time with others. Often our thoughts are elsewhere, when there is much to be gained from simply listening.
Whatever you decide to do this year, we wish you a happy 2022.