Lose Weight With Tasty, Nutritious Green Smoothies

Lose Weight With Tasty, Nutritious Green Smoothies
We realise a green smoothie can look a little unappealing. However, with the right fruits, correct veggies, and perfect proportions, they can be delicious! Not to mention you will be full up of goodness and healthy ingredients.
The amount of vitamins you’ll get depends on which ingredients you use, but most fruits and vegetables are high in vitamins A and C. Many people struggle to eat the recommended amount of fruit and vegetables, and green smoothies are a way of easily adding more fruit and veg into your diet. Furthermore, green smoothies will give you energy and help to keep you full without consuming too many calories. Therefore, as well as keeping you healthy, they may assist with weight loss. They are also better for you than green juices as juices lack the fibre that smoothies retain. On top of this, making your own green smoothies is cheaper and healthier than buying them at juice bars.
There are ways to make your green smoothies taste delicious, rather than just tasting of vegetables. First, ensure that you have the correct fruit: veg ratio; the usual ratio is 60:40 but you may wish to start off with a ratio of 70:30. It's best to use sweet fruits such as pineapple or strawberries, as you will then be able to enjoy the smoothie without adding any sort of sweetener. Some greens also have a stronger taste than others, for example the taste of spinach is easily masked by the fruit,r your first few smoothies, as they are likely to contain ingredien but other greens such as kale have stronger tastes. You should still include kale but in smaller quantities. Using ‘creamy’ fruits will make a big difference to the texture of your smoothie, so try to include something creamy like banana, peach, pear or avocado.