Join the Bliss Waiting List

Join the Bliss Waiting List
We're keeping our fingers crossed for a July reopening date, to be confirmed when we obtain further updates from the prime minister. We know that many of our valued clients can't wait to have us tend to their nails, tans, eyebrows, waxing needs, and more. Not to mention, we could all use a little pampering and relaxation after a stressful few months!
We are currently gathering the details of those clients who would like priority for appointments when we reopen, to ensure that they get in first. If you would like to be added to our priority waiting list, please contact MD Beverley Silver on 07950200580 or email
During our hibernation we have been making some changes. Most importantly, we are doing everything we can to ensure a safe environment when we do re-open. PPE will be worn by staff, and also be available for clients, and we have deep-cleaned both salons. Extra cleaning practices and more will also be in place when we reopen.
We have also used this time for renovations at both salons. Furthermore, we have a brand new website and new menu coming soon!
Our June deals are live for those who wish to buy in advance and save ££. Buy online now and redeem within 3 months of Bliss reopening!
We can't wait to welcome clients old and new once again to Bliss Spa and Bliss Baby. Do check the blog for the latest updates.