July 05, 2023
5 reasons why your hair may be falling out, and how to stop it

5 reasons why your hair may be falling out, and how to stop it
Sometimes we find our hair clogging the shower drain and blocking the vacuum so frequently that you may start to wonder if this amount of hair loss is normal. Well, yes - hair shedding is completely normal. On average we lose approximately 80 strands of hair every day, however there are a number of genetic and reactive triggers that can cause more hair to fall out, or for the hair to not grow back.

Here are five of the most common reasons why your hair may be falling out, and what you can do to stop it...
1. Hormonal imbalance
Hormone imbalance can cause a huge number of symptoms throughout the body, affect weight, complexion, and even your hair. An increase of androgens or a decrease of oestrogens can lead to increased hair loss.
2. Stress
It can often seem like stress is the cause of almost all bodily issues, and it's true it is related to a huge number of symptoms. There are several ways that stress affects our hair, but the bottom line is that yes, it can lead to hair falling out.
3. Iron deficiency
There are also a number of symptoms linked to iron deficiency, and hair loss is one of them since iron is required to produce hair cell protein. If you think that you may be deficient in iron you might consider visiting your doctor for a blood test.
4. Weight loss
Dropping a few pounds shouldn't cause your hair to fall out, but dramatic week loss of a period of a couple of months can. This is due to nutrient deficiency.
5. Age
Particularly just before and after the menopause, hair loss often becomes more prevalent. Hair thinning is a normal part of the aging process and something that we must accept as we age.

Tips to reduce hair loss
1. Include more protein in your diet
2. Ensure to include some complex carbohydrates in your diet
3. Take an iron supplement if your iron levels are low
The important thing is not to panic, and to be patient. Expect to wait around six weeks to see an improvement.