November 29, 2021
25 Festive Activities to get you in the Mood

25 Festive Activities to get you in the Mood
It's true that the events of the last two years may have some of us struggling to find our festive feels, but that's why it's more important than ever to dig deep and bring out that Christmas spirit (and, no, we don't mean brandy).
Here to help is our list of 25 festive activities...
1. Make your own Christmas cards
2. Make some homemade Christmas presents - jams, candles, jumpers - use your imagination.
3. Make some homemade Christmas decorations
4. Write a Christmas song
5. Learn to play Christmas songs on the keyboard/ guitar/ other instrument
6. Christmas baking!
7. Have a Christmas movie marathon
8. Cook a festive-themed feast
9. Make Christmas candles
10. Christmas shopping online - get some friends together on zoom and do your Christmas shopping together - the lockdown way.
11. Write a Christmas story
12. Read a Christmas book
13. Host Christmas drinks
14. Make some festive cocktails
15. Paint a festive picture
16. Perform a nativity at home
17. Make festive themed clothes or upcycle old clothes with Christmassy additions.
18. Do a Christmas jigsaw
19. Make your own festive mulled wine or Sangria
20. Visit the Christmas markets!
21. Start your Christmas shopping
22. Write a letter to Santa - fun for all ages!
23. Make your own Christmas wall art
24. Plan Christmas drinks or a Christmas party
25. Start thinking about your new years resolutions